Just wish those pounds would disappear so that you could be healthy?

What is healthy anyway?
According to Webster’s Dictionary health is being free from disease. But the more robust definition holistic health professionals have encompasses your entire life. Our goal is to help you live a vibrant meaningful life that has to do with your wider well being.

• Physical
• Emotional
• Intellectual
• Social
• Spiritual
• Vocational

This may sound overwhelming until you realize how these six parts of your life affect each other.

• Ever felt depressed and found that your body just ached?
• Had one of those days when you didn’t sleep well the night before and pushed through a brain fog trying to get things done?
• Found yourself on the outs with your friends and felt not only sad, but physically uncomfortable too?
• Ever worked a job that just drained you, leaving you with nothing to share with friends or family or the desire to take care of yourself, physically or intellectually?

Would it surprise you to learn that there are places in the world where people do an excellent job of balancing these six areas of their lives? Would it surprise you to learn that a large percentage of those people live to be over 100 years old? These areas have been identified by researchers as Blue Zones. Researchers have also identified nine behaviors that support this long-life. Check them out and see how they relate to the list above.

Blue Zone Pyramid

Power 9®: Blue Zones Lessons

Shared traits of the world’s longest-lived people.

1. Move Naturally The world’s longest-lived people don’t pump iron or run marathons. Instead, their environments nudge them into moving without thinking about it.
2. Purpose Why do you wake up in the morning? Knowing your sense of purpose is worth up to seven years of extra life expectancy.
3. Down Shift Stress leads to chronic inflammation, associated with every major age-related disease. The world’s longest-lived people have routines to shed that stress.
4. 80% Rule “Hara hachi bu” – the Okinawans say this mantra before meals as a reminder to stop eating when their stomachs are 80 percent full.
5. Plant Slant The cornerstone of most centenarian diets? Beans. They typically eat meat—mostly pork—only five times per month.
6. Wine @ 5 Moderate drinkers outlive non-drinkers, especially if they share those drinks with friends.
7. Belong Attending faith-based services four times per month – no matter the denomination – adds up to 14 years of life expectancy.
8. Loved Ones First Centenarians put their families first. They keep aging parents and grandparents nearby, commit to a life partner and invest in their children.
9. Right Tribe They world’s longest lived people chose or were born into social circles that support healthy behaviors.

Would you be interested in cultivating more of these habits to help you not only live longer, but more happily?
Join our COME ON, GET HEALTHY group meeting the second Thursday of each month at Urban Hippie Chiropractic on Davis & Edgefield in Oak Cliff.
Call 469-964-8983 for more information.