Tired of being tired? Ready to enjoy life again? Well you can. Just change your focus and you can change your life. Here’s how.

You know that “in-between” time?  That time when you’re not quite awake and not quite asleep?  What a great time to communicate with your inner self, the one you don’t seem to have time to listen to between work, family and the world.  Before you bolt out of bed each morning take a few minutes to be aware of your body and how it seems to be drifting between the worlds of sleep and wakefulness.

How are you feeling, both physically and emotionally? Acknowledge those feelings. You don’t have to be consumed by them. Just notice they are there.

Now, What would you like to feel?   Think of a time you had a great feeling you’d like to re-experience.  Let that feeling fill your entire body.  Revel in the experience.  Make a conscious decision to revisit this feeling throughout the day.  If you feel yourself being overcome by your long list of have-to’s and should-do’s take a mini “ME” break, and come back to the joy you shared with your inner self before your day began.  Give your nervous system a break from the rush of cortisol, breath deeply and be calm.  You will be amazed at the difference this will make in your day.

You can use the same method to enjoy a great night of sleep.  As you’re drifting off for the night think about the good that has filled your day.  Consciously relax your body, leaving the struggles of the day behind. Take only the good memories into your sleep.  If it’s been a particularly difficult day, focus on the lessons you’ve learned, the people who were there for you and the fact that tomorrow you will have a fresh new day. End your day with the words, “thank you” on your lips as you slip off to sleep.