I’ve spent the last month listening to my inner wisdom, waiting for direction. For those of you who have known me for a while, not having a goal or a direction is like not being Georgie. This new Georgie is still getting to know herself and the world around her through new eyes. Every time I get quiet and ask myself, “what should I be doing?” the answer comes back, “you should be enjoying today!” Now it’s not that I haven’t ever enjoyed my days, I’ve just always enjoyed them on my way to somewhere else.

Taking time to “be,” and not do is interesting.   It has allowed me to listen more closely to my body. These days my body’s requesting more raw foods and lighter meals. It wants more sleep at night and hits a wall in mid-afternoon, pretty much shutting down my brain. That’s one way to be sure I make time for meditation. I’m thinking, great! All of this meditation will yield answers to my quandary. I’ll finally get there!   But alas, I’m still not sure where there is.

These days I am enjoying my walks in the park, meeting with friends, giving massages, and coaching clients. I have to say that coaching clients is actually easier these days. Since I’m not on my way somewhere I’m not trying to drag clients along with me. For a long time now I have acknowledged that everyone is here on his or her own personal journey. Our paths cross for a moment, a week or a few years in order to help each other move forward. Today I actually understand what that means and respect the forces of the Universe at work on every one of us. I don’t have to fix anyone, just be there for them on this part of their path.

Wishing each of you joy as you travel your path today.