Enjoying the summer? Is spending time outside causing you to work up a sweat? Great! Sweating is a great way to detox your body. It’s also a great way for your body to lose minerals.. Hopefully you’re also eating plenty of organic fruits and vegetables too. Unfortunately, eating enough fruits and vegetable to replace lost minerals can be difficult. After a big sweat you may want to consider a tall glass of fresh green juice to help you hydrate. But, if that’s is not convenient you may want to consider adding ConcenTrace Trace Mineral Drops to your water. http://www.traceminerals.com/trace-minerals

We’ve made hydration and mineral replacement simple in our house. We like being able to grab a cold bottle of water when we’re thirsty, but we don’t want exposure to BPA or the karma of filling landfills with plastic, so we reuse glass Kevita & kombucha bottles. When I pull the clean bottles out of the dishwasher each morning I add ConcenTrace Mineral Drops and fill them with filtered water from our sink dispenser. The cold bottles get pulled to the front of the fridge while the new ones go in the back to chill. Now, we’re ready to hydrate. The good news is that the Trace Mineral Drops don’t affect the taste of the water, unless you get carried away… And, they don’t affect any other flavorings you may want to add, say lemon slices or mint leaves. So drink up AND restock those trace minerals your body is craving!