The holiday season is just around the corner. That means an overburdened schedule, parties, holiday food, not enough ME time…

Are you ready for what that means to your health?

Want to avoid New Year’s Remorse?

Here are a few tips to navigating the season and still liking what you see in the mirror when you wake up on January 1st.

Remember, YOU and YOUR needs count. Make time for you.

Here’s what that means.

Get 7-9 hours of sleep EVERY night. Sleep is essential to weight loss, healthy weight maintenance, and a healthy immune system, not to mention a friendly disposition. Suggestion: If you find yourself over-scSleeping-Womanheduled, make a list of everything you’re sure has to be done. Turn off all of the noise around you, take a few deep breaths and connect with your inner self. Then review your list. Put a line through each item that doesn’t bring you joy. Put stars next to the items that you just can’t wait to do. Schedule the stars and fit in what’s left, after you’ve taken care of yourself. 

Stay hydrated. Now that the weather has cooled off a lot of people back off on their water intakeglas of pouring water with reflection1. It’s true you’re not sweating like you did this summer, but your body still needs plenty of water/herbal tea/fresh juice to do it’s job, which includes natural detoxification. If increased social events
translate to an increase in your alcohol consumption, you’ll want to give your body all the support it needs to keep up with detoxification. Suggestion: drink one eight-ounce glass of water between each alcoholic beverage you consume.

Eat colorfully. And I don’t mean colorfully iced cookies! You know there will be more of the not in your body’s best interest foods this season, so you want to make an extra effort to see that the good stuff gets in there too. Suggestion: Begin your day with a fresh green juice. Have a green smoothie made with colorful fruits like berries or pumpkin for breakfast. When you approach the food table at a party, begin with the veggies.smoothie

Keep moving! Remember, moving not only burns calories, it tones muscles and supports the chemical reactions that a healthy body performs each day. Suggestion: Take a complete tour around the mall before you make your purchases, unless of course you want to add some weights to your workout. Then make the circuit of the mall after you shop. Check two things off your list at once; take a walk with your partner, your child, or a friend. Get in your movement and quality time in one fell swoop.

friends walking

Following these basic tips will make mirror time on January a little easier to bear. If you need more support feel free to contact me. Together we’ll find your healthy path through the frantic holiday season.