I just finished skimming my FaceBook page, and

 I am so tired of reading about  “health foods” you should eat and the foods that you definitely should not eat.  

I can’t believe I used to buy into all of that.  I used to have a very strict  diet.  I was always worried about eating too much, not exercising enough and having to be just RIGHT. Then we moved to Kuwait and I jumped back into my career with both feet and my entire heart.  My retired husband became a house-husband and the cook.  I didn’t have time to track all of my food, much less time to cook it.  And, a lot of those things weren’t even available here.  I quit fighting so hard to get things “right” and remembered the roots of being healthy.
  • Eat REAL food
  • Stop eating when your body has had enough
  • Make time for a full night’s rest  – EVERY night
  • Keep moving
  • Make time to belong
  • Hang out with happy people
I’m sure those last two surprised you, but it’s amazing how important they have been since we’ve moved to a another country.  After thinking about it for awhile I realized that belonging and hanging out with happy people were important to us in Dallas too, we just took them for granted. Here’s something for your to try this week. LISTEN to your body.  It knows what it REALLY needs in order to be healthy.  Choose to eat REAL food that nourishes your body.  What your body needs changes according to the season of your life as well as the seasons of the year. Here’s one of my typical days. Green drink: lemon, cucumber, ginger, greens (parsley, cilantro or mint) and sometimes pear, apple or pineapple Breakfast: egg sandwich on organic sourdough rye bread (its what keeps me going all morning) Lunch/Snack: fresh veggies – a mix of cucumber, carrot, bell pepper, fennel, whatever’s fresh in the market- olives & cheese    (I can leave the container on my desk and grab stuff as I run through the office) Lunch/Dinner:  lamb stew, rice, salad Before Bedtime Tea:  a cookie and a cup of tea It’s all REAL food we prepare ourselves.  Nothing expensive or special.  Leave the packaged stuff behind and enjoy “BEING REAL.” As my friend and chiropractor would say, “PEACE OUT!”